DRUMS / MIXED: Luke Harney (Maco Iot Hoc)
GUITAR: Jeff Spencer (Vago Ocoi)
MASTERED: Ro Stambuk

Accompanying music video — Cecól Cor Nan — directed by Chris Gylee available to view here.

et bos sibex molt asesi naN
teN ie sapec mie hA naN
eN col mcex cor naN vo vai Ho
teN ie sam mnex noN naN

ge cor naN ge cor naN ge cor naN
ai col cibex ca

nieN sinex carta
vo cob lo molt zie

et po sibex ast onai
ze sam mcex onai ge
tsam nie dioN ge
os teN ie sam mie dioN ge
o darna sibex ostcoi
oroN os teN ie sam mlex nana

ge cor naN ge cor naN ge cor naN
ai col cibex ca

nieN sibex carta
vo cecoxb lo molt zie

et po sibex ast onai
ze sam mcex onai ge

eN dioN nie eN hom nie basma vai
eN del nie
teo teN iENda nie
eN cvAso nie calem lo
nlO nie
teo teN ie saSa vaia nie

naN sibex EN
o bar iebex ostcoi mie
teN ie sam mie
nal nar noN naN na
et bos sibé molt asesi nan
ten ie sapec mie haa nan
en col mcé cor nan vo vai t-ho
ten ie sam mné non nan

ge cor nan, ge cor nan, ge cor nan
ai col cibé ca

n’ien siné carta
vo cob lo molt zie

et po sibé ast onai
ze sam mcé onai ge
t’sam nie dion ge
os ten ie sam mie dion ge
o darna sibé ostcoi
oron os ten ie sam mlé nana

ge cor nan, ge cor nan, ge cor nan
ai col cibé ca

n’ien sibé carta
vo cecób lo molt zie

et po sibé ast onai
ze sam mcé onai ge

en dion nie, en
hom nie basma vai
en del nie
teo ten i’eenda nie
en cvaaso nie calem lo
n’loo nie
teo ten ie sassa vaia nie 

n’an sibé een
o bar iebé ostcoi mie
ten ie sam mie
nal nar non nan na
I discovered a place in myself
Where we could free ourselves
I am coming home by the outside way
To dance with you in the valley

Come home, come home
Will you come home
With me?

Here is a map for you
A way to discover this land

It has sometimes been lonely
I will not therefore dance again alone
I was dancing by myself
When we’re dancing by ourselves
We don’t move the same feet
As when we’re dancing with each other

Come home, come home
Will you come home
With me?

Here is a map for me
A way to rediscover this land

It has sometimes been lonely
I will not therefore dance again alone

I am being a seed, I am being an indigo cloud
I am being a root
Today I am an infinite multiplier
I am being a flute, I am being the tip of a pen
Today I will be a helicopter

There are people, their feet are beautiful
Dancing by the river in the valley